Day of Surgery (Today)
- It is important to have someone stay with you for at least 10–15 hours after surgery for your safety.
- Do not rinse or spit for 24 hours.
- Do not use a straw or drink carbonated beverages for at least 24 hours after surgery.
- Do not get up or change position quickly. Due to medications and/or anesthesia, you may become dizzy and/or pass out. Do not operate any vehicle or hazardous devices and do not work while taking pain medication.
- If you have gauze in your mouth, leave it in for about 1 hour after your surgery and bite down. The pressure will help stop the bleeding. If you run out of gauze, a damp tea bag may be used instead. Apply pressure for 20 minutes. It is not uncommon to have some bleeding for 24 hours after surgery. If you experience heavy bleeding, please call our office.
- One hour after surgery, you can start drinking liquids and take your first dose of any medications that were prescribed for you. Try to drink plenty of liquids within the first 4 hours after your surgery. You may slowly progress to soft foods later in the day, such as lukewarm soups, yogurt, scrambled eggs, and ice cream.
- Swelling is possible during the first 72 hours. Using an ice pack is optional as it may or may not help decrease the swelling and should only be applied during the first 24 hours.
- Do not smoke for at least 2 weeks after surgery to avoid dry sockets.
- Note: Antibiotics may prevent oral contraceptives from working.
Day After Surgery (Tomorrow)
- Brush your teeth, avoiding extraction sites.
- After meals, rinse your mouth gently with lukewarm salt water (a ½ teaspoon salt to a ½ cup warm water). Do not spit it out forcefully.
- You may have stitches. They will dissolve about 3 days to 2 weeks after surgery. If they fall out early, do not worry.
- Patients who had an IV for anesthesia may develop an irritation in the vein resulting in tenderness and redness. This event is not an emergency. Use warm, moist heat packs and take aspirin, if you can, for treatment. Then, please call our office for a follow-up appointment.
- It is normal for swelling to increase for up to 72 hours after your procedure.
Please call our office immediately if you have any questions or problems. Should you need immediate attention after hours, our phone is answered by a service that will contact Dr. Heiner.